List of natural Orchidaceae genera

This is a list of genera in the Orchid family (Orchidaceae), originally according to The Families of Flowering Plants - L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz. This list is adapted on a regular basis with the changes published in the Orchid Research Newsletter which is published twice a year by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
This taxonomy undergoes constant change, mainly through evidence from DNA study. At the moment, orchids are mostly defined by morphological similarity (structure of their flowers and other parts). Furthermore, each year about another 150 new species are being discovered. The list of genera alone currently stands just short of 1000 entries.
From a cladistic point of view, the orchid family is considered to be monophyletic, i.e. the group incorporates all the taxa derived from an ancestral group.
The taxonomy of the orchids is explained on the page Taxonomy of the Orchid family.


There are five recognized subfamilies:
  1. Aa
  2. Abdominea
  3. Aberrantia (Luer) Luer
  4. Acacallis Lindl. (synonym of Aganisia)
  5. Acampe
  6. Acanthephippium
  7. Aceras
  8. Aceratorchis
  9. Acianthera F.Barros
  10. Acianthera
  11. Acianthus
  12. Acineta Lindl.
  13. Ackermania
  14. Acoridium
  15. Acostaea Schltr.
  16. Acriopsis
  17. Acrochaene
  18. Acrolophia
  19. Acrorchis
  20. Ada
  21. Adamantinia Van den Berg & C.N.Gonç
  22. Adenochilus
  23. Adenoncos
  24. Adrorhizon
  25. Aerangis
  26. Aeranthes
  27. Aerides Lour.: Fox Brush Orchid
  28. Aganisia
  29. Aglossorrhyncha
  30. Agrostophyllum
  31. Alamania
  32. Alatiliparis: new genus with 2 species, discovered in Sumatra, Indonesia
  33. Altensteinia
  34. Amblyanthe
  35. Amblostoma Scheidw.
  36. Ambrella
  37. Amerorchis: Round-leaf Orchid
  38. Amesiella
  39. Amitostigma
  40. Amparoa
  41. Amphigena
  42. Anacamptis Rich.
  43. Anacheilium Withner & P.A.Harding
  44. ×Anaphorkis Bourdon, M.F.Bourdon & J.M.H.Shaw (Ansellia × Graphorkis)
  45. Anathallis
  46. Ancipitia
  47. Ancistrochilus Rolfe
  48. Ancistrorhynchus
  49. ×Andreettara J.M.H.Shaw (Cochlioda × Miltonia × Odontoglossum).
  50. Androcorys
  51. Angraecopsis
  52. Angraecum Bory
  53. Anguloa
  54. Ania
  55. Anoectochilus: Jeweled Orchid
  56. Ansellia Lindl.
  57. Anteriorchis (synonym of Anacamptis)
  58. Anthogonium
  59. Anthosiphon
  60. Antilla
  61. Antillanorchis
  62. Aorchis
  63. Aphyllorchis
  64. Aplectrum Nuttall: Adam and Eve
  65. Apoda-prorepentia
  66. Aporostylis
  67. Aporum
  68. Apostasia Blume
  69. Appendicula
  70. Aracamunia
  71. Arachnis Blume
  72. Arachnites
  73. Archineottia
  74. Areldia
  75. Arethusa: Dragon's Mouth
  76. Armodorum
  77. Arnottia
  78. Arpophyllum
  79. Arthrochilus
  80. Artorima
  81. Arundina Blume: Bamboo Orchid
  82. Ascidieria
  83. Ascocentrum
  84. Ascochilopsis
  85. Ascochilus
  86. Ascoglossum
  87. Ascolabium
  88. Aspasia
  89. Aspidogyne
  90. Atopoglossum
  91. Aulosepalum
  92. Auxopus
  93. Azadehdelia
  94. Baptikoa J.M.H.Shaw (Baptistonia × Zelenkoa).
  95. Baptistonia Barb.Rodr.
  96. Barbosella
  97. Barbrodria
  98. Barkeria
  99. Barlia
  100. Bartholina
  101. Basigyne
  102. Basiphyllaea: Crab Orchid
  103. Baskervilla
  104. Batemannia
  105. Beclardia
  106. Beloglottis
  107. Benthamia
  108. Benzingia
  109. Biermannia
  110. Bifrenaria Lindl.
  111. Binotia
  112. Bipinnula
  113. Bletia Ruiz and Pavon: Pine-pink
  114. Bletilla Rchb.F.: Urn orchid
  115. Bogoria
  116. Bolbidium
  117. Bollea Rchb.F.
  118. Bolusiella
  119. Bonatea Willd.
  120. Bonniera
  121. Brachionidium: Cup Orchid
  122. Brachtia
  123. Brachycorythis Lindl.
  124. Brachypeza
  125. Brachystele
  126. Bracisepalum
  127. Braemia
  128. Brassavola R.Br.: Daddy-long-legs
  129. Brassia: Cricket orchid
  130. Brenesia
  131. Briegeria
  132. Bromheadia
  133. Broughtonia R.Br.
  134. Brownleea
  135. Buchtienia
  136. Bulbophyllum Thouars: Rat-tail orchid
  137. Bulleyia
  138. Burnettia
  139. Burnsbaloghia
  140. Calanthe R.Br.
  141. Caleana R.Br.
  142. Callostylis
  143. Calochilus R.Br.: Bearded Orchids
  144. Calopogon R.Br.: Grasspink
  145. Caluera
  146. Calymmanthera
  147. Calypso Salisb.: Fairy-slipper Orchid
  148. Calyptrochilum
  149. Campanulorchis
  150. Campylocentrum: Bent-spur Orchid
  151. Capanemia
  152. Cardiochilus
  153. Catasetum
  154. ×Catcylaelia J.M.H.Shaw (Cattleya × Encyclia × Laelia)
  155. Cattleya Lindl.
  156. Cattleyella Van den Berg & M.W.Chase
  157. Cattleyopsis Lemaire
  158. ×Catyclia J.M.H.Shaw (Cattleya × Encyclia)
  159. Caucaea
  160. Caularthron Raf.
  161. ×Caultonia Griffits & J.M.H.Shaw (Broughtonia × Caularthron)
  162. Centroglossa
  163. Centrostigma Schltr.
  164. Cephalanthera Rich.: Some helleborines, Phantom orchid
  165. Cephalantheropsis
  166. Ceraia
  167. Ceratandra
  168. Ceratocentron
  169. Ceratochilus
  170. Ceratostylis Blume
  171. ×Chadwickara G.Monnier & J.M.H.Shaw (Pabstia × Zygopetalum × Zygosepalum)
  172. Chamaeangis
  173. Chamaeanthus
  174. Chamaegastrodia
  175. Chamelophyton
  176. Chamorchis
  177. Changnienia
  178. Chaseella
  179. Chaubardia
  180. Chaubardiella
  181. Chauliodon
  182. Cheiradenia
  183. Cheirostylis
  184. Chelonistele
  185. Chelyorchis
  186. ×Chelyopsis J.M.H.Shaw (Psychopsis Raf. × Chelyorchis Dressler & N.H.Williams).
  187. Chiloglottis R.Br.
  188. Chilopogon
  189. Chiloschista Lindl.
  190. Chiloterus
  191. Chitonanthera
  192. Chitonochilus
  193. Chloraea
  194. Chondradenia
  195. Chondrorhyncha Lindl.
  196. Chroniochilus
  197. Chrysocycnis
  198. Chrysoglossum
  199. Chusua
  200. Chysis Lindl.
  201. Chytroglossa
  202. Cirrhaea Lindl.
  203. Cirrhopetalum
  204. Cischweinfia
  205. Claderia
  206. Cleisocentron
  207. Cleisomeria
  208. Cleisostoma Blume
  209. Cleistes: Rosebud Orchid
  210. Clematepistephium
  211. Clowesia Lindl.
  212. Coccineorchis
  213. Cochleanthes Raf.: Fan-shape Orchid
  214. Cochlioda Lindl.
  215. Cocleorchis
  216. Codonorchis
  217. Codonosiphon
  218. Coelia Lindl.
  219. Coeliopsis
  220. Coeloglossum: Frog Orchid
  221. Coelogyne Lindl.
  222. Coilochilus
  223. Coilostylis Withner & P.A.Harding
  224. Collabium
  225. Colombiana
  226. Comparettia Poepp. & Endl.: Snail Orchid
  227. ×Compelenzia (Comparettia × Rodriguezia × Zelenkoa)
  228. Comperia
  229. ×Comptoglossum (Himantoglossum Spreng. × Comperia K.Koch)
  230. Conchidium
  231. Condylago Leur
  232. Constantia
  233. Corallorrhiza (Haller) Chatelaine: Coral Root
  234. Cordiglottis
  235. Corunastylis
  236. Coryanthes Hook.: Bucket Orchids
  237. Corybas Salisb.
  238. Corycium
  239. Corymborkis: Crow orchid
  240. Corysanthes
  241. Cottonia
  242. Cotylolabium
  243. Cranichis: Helmet orchid
  244. Cremastra
  245. Cribbia
  246. Crocodeilanthe
  247. Crossoglossa
  248. Cryptarrhena
  249. Cryptocentrum
  250. Cryptochilus
  251. Cryptopus
  252. Cryptopylos
  253. Cryptostylis R.Br.
  254. Cucumeria
  255. Cuitlauzina
  256. Cyanaeorchis
  257. Cyanicula
  258. ×Cyanthera
  259. Cybebus
  260. Cyclopogon: Ladies'-tresses
  261. Cycnoches Lindl.: Swan Orchids
  262. Cylindrolobus
  263. Cymbidiella Rolfe
  264. Cymbidium Sw.
  265. Cymboglossum
  266. Cynorkis Thouars
  267. Cyphochilus
  268. Cypholoron
  269. Cypripedium L.: Lady's Slipper
  270. Cyrtidiorchis
  271. Cyrtochilum
  272. Cyrtopodium R.Br.: Cow-horn Orchid
  273. Cyrtorchis Schltr.
  274. Cyrtosia
  275. Cyrtostylis
  276. Cystorchis
  277. Dactylorchis
  278. Dactylorhiza: Key Flower
  279. Dactylorhynchus
  280. Dactylostalix
  281. Degranvillea
  282. Deiregyne
  283. Demorchis
  284. Dendrobium
  285. Dendrochilum
  286. Dendrophylax
  287. Devogelia
  288. Diadenium
  289. Diaphananthe
  290. Diceratostele
  291. Dicerostylis
  292. Dichaea: Leafystem Orchid, Leaf-stem Orchid
  293. Dichromanthus
  294. Dickasonia
  295. Dictyophyllaria
  296. Didactylus
  297. Didiciea
  298. Didymoplexiella
  299. Didymoplexis
  300. Diglyphosa
  301. Dignathe
  302. Dilochia
  303. Dilochiopsis
  304. Dilomilis: Parrot-beak Orchid
  305. Dimerandra
  306. Dimorphorchis
  307. Dinema
  308. Dinklageella
  309. Diothonea
  310. Diphylax
  311. Diplandrorchis
  312. Diplocaulobium
  313. Diplocentrum
  314. Diplolabellum
  315. Diplomeris
  316. Diploprora
  317. Dipodium
  318. Dipteranthus
  319. Dipterostele
  320. Disa
  321. Discyphus
  322. Disperis
  323. Disticholiparis Marg. & Szlach
  324. Distylodon
  325. Diteilis
  326. Dithyridanthus
  327. Diuris
  328. Dockrillia Briegar, 1981
  329. Dodsonia
  330. Dolichocentrum
  331. Domingoa: Mona
  332. Doritis
  333. Doritaenopsis'
  334. Dossinia
  335. Dracontia
  336. Dracula
  337. Drakaea
  338. Dresslerella
  339. Dressleria
  340. Dryadella
  341. Dryadorchis
  342. Drymoanthus
  343. Drymoda
  344. Duckeella
  345. Dunstervillea
  346. Dyakia
  347. Earina
  348. Eggelingia
  349. Eleorchis
  350. Elleanthus: Tiger Orchid, Praying-virgin
  351. Elongatia
  352. Eloyella
  353. Eltroplectris: Long-claw Orchid
  354. Elythranthera
  355. Embreea
  356. Empusa
  357. Empusella (Luer) Luer
  358. Encheiridion
  359. Encyclia Hook.: Butterfly Orchid
  360. Entomophobia
  361. Eparmatostigma
  362. Ephippianthus
  363. Epibator Luer
  364. Epiblastus
  365. Epiblema
  366. Epicranthes
  367. Epidanthus
  368. Epidendrum: Star Orchid
  369. Epigeneium
  370. Epilyna
  371. Epipactis: Helleborine
  372. Epipogium
  373. Epistephium
  374. Eria
  375. Eriaxis
  376. Ericksonella
  377. Eriochilus
  378. Eriodes
  379. Eriopexis
  380. Eriopsis
  381. Erycina
  382. Erythrodes: False Helmet Orchis
  383. Erythrorchis
  384. Esmeralda
  385. Euanthe
  386. Eucosia
  387. Eulophia: Wild Coco
  388. Eulophiella
  389. Euphlebium
  390. Euryblema Dressler (2005)
  391. Eurycaulis
  392. Eurycentrum
  393. Eurychone
  394. Eurystyles: Custard Orchid
  395. Evotella
  396. Fernandezia
  397. Ferruminaria
  398. Fimbriella
  399. Fimbrorchis
  400. Flickingeria
  401. Frondaria
  402. Fuertesiella
  403. Funkiella
  404. Galeandra: Hooded Orchid
  405. Galearis: Showy Orchid
  406. Galeola
  407. Galeottia
  408. Galeottiella
  409. Garaya
  410. Gastrochilus
  411. Gastrodia
  412. Gastrorchis
  413. Gavilea
  414. Geesinkorchis
  415. Gennaria
  416. Genoplesium
  417. Genyorchis
  418. Geoblasta
  419. Geodorum
  420. Glomera
  421. Glossodia
  422. Glossorhyncha
  423. Gomesa
  424. Gomphichis
  425. Gonatostylis
  426. Gongora
  427. Goniochilus
  428. Goodyera: Rattlesnake Plantain
  429. Govenia: Govenia
  430. Gracielanthus
  431. Grammangis
  432. Grammatophyllum
  433. Graphorkis Thou.
  434. Grastidium
  435. Greenwoodia
  436. Grobya
  437. Grosourdya
  438. Guarianthe Dressler & W.E.Higgins
  439. Gularia
  440. Gunnarella
  441. Gunnarorchis
  442. Gymnadenia: Fragrant Orchid
  443. Gymnadeniopsis
  444. Gymnochilus
  445. Gynoglottis
  446. Habenaria: Bog Orchid, False Rein Orchid
  447. Hagsatera
  448. Hammarbya
  449. Hancockia
  450. Hapalochilus
  451. Hapalorchis
  452. Haraella
  453. Harrisella: Airplant Orchid
  454. Hederorkis
  455. Helcia
  456. Helleriella: Dotted Orchid
  457. Helonoma
  458. Hemipilia
  459. Herminium
  460. Herpetophytum
  461. Herpysma
  462. Herschelianthe
  463. Hetaeria
  464. Heterozeuxine
  465. Hexalectris: Crested Coralroot
  466. Hexisea
  467. Himantoglossum
  468. Hintonella
  469. Hippeophyllum
  470. Hirtzia
  471. Hispaniella
  472. Hoehneella
  473. Hoffmannseggella
  474. Hofmeisterella
  475. Holcoglossum
  476. Holmesia
  477. Holopogon
  478. Holothrix
  479. Homalopetalum
  480. Horichia
  481. Hormidium
  482. Horvatia
  483. Houlletia
  484. Huntleya
  485. Huttonaea
  486. Hybochilus
  487. Hydrorchis
  488. Hygrochilus
  489. Hylophila
  490. Hymenorchis
  491. Imerinaea
  492. Imerinorchis Szlach (2005)
  493. Inobulbon
  494. Ione
  495. Ionopsis: Violet Orchid
  496. Ipsea
  497. Isabelia
  498. Ischnocentrum
  499. Ischnogyne
  500. Isochilus: Equal-lip Orchid
  501. Isotria: Fiveleaf Orchid
  502. Ixyophora Dressler (2005)
  503. Jacquiniella: Tufted Orchid
  504. Jejosephia
  505. Jonesiopsis
  506. Jostia
  507. Jumellea
  508. Kalimpongia
  509. Kaurorchis
  510. Kefersteinia
  511. Kegeliella
  512. Kerigomnia
  513. Kinetochilus
  514. Kingidium
  515. Kionophyton
  516. Koellensteinia: Grass-leaf Orchid
  517. Konantzia
  518. Kraenzlinella
  519. Kreodanthus
  520. Kryptostoma
  521. Kuhlhasseltia
  522. Lacaena
  523. Laelia Lindl.
  524. Laeliocattleya
  525. Laeliopsis
  526. Lanium
  527. Lankesterella
  528. Leaoa
  529. Lecanorchis
  530. Lemboglossum
  531. Lemurella
  532. Lemurorchis
  533. Leochilus: Smooth-lip Orchid
  534. Lepanthes: Babyboot Orchid
  535. Lepanthopsis: Tiny Orchid
  536. Lepidogyne
  537. Leporella
  538. Leptotes
  539. Lesliea
  540. Leucohyle
  541. Ligeophila
  542. Limodorum
  543. Lindleyalis
  544. Liparis: Wide-lip Orchid
  545. Listrostachys
  546. Lockhartia
  547. Loefgrenianthus
  548. Ludisia: Jewel Orchid
  549. Lueddemannia
  550. Luisia
  551. Lycaste: Bee Orchid
  552. Lycomormium
  553. Lyperanthus
  554. Lyroglossa
  555. Macodes
  556. Macradenia: Long-gland Orchid
  557. Macroclinium
  558. Macropodanthus
  559. Madisonania
  560. Malaxis: Adder's-mouth Orchis
  561. Malleola
  562. Manniella
  563. Margelliantha
  564. Masdevallia
  565. Mastigion
  566. Maxillaria: Tiger Orchid, Flame Orchid
  567. Mecopodum
  568. Mediocalcar
  569. Megalorchis
  570. Megalotus
  571. Megastylis
  572. Meiracyllium
  573. Meliorchis: (In 2007, the 20 million year old pollinia of Meliorchis caribea were found on the back of a worker bee trapped in amber.) [1]
  574. Mendoncella
  575. Mesadenella
  576. Mesadenus: Ladies'-tresses
  577. Mesoglossum
  578. Mesospinidium
  579. Mexicoa
  580. Microchilus
  581. Microcoelia
  582. Micropera
  583. Microphytanthe
  584. Microsaccus
  585. Microtatorchis
  586. Microterangis
  587. Microthelys
  588. Microtis
  589. Miltonia Lindl.: Pansy Orchid
  590. Miltoniopsis
  591. Mischobulbum
  592. Mixis
  593. Mobilabium
  594. Moerenhoutia
  595. Monadenia
  596. Monanthos
  597. Monomeria
  598. Monophyllorchis
  599. Monosepalum
  600. Mormodes
  601. Mormolyca
  602. Mycaranthes
  603. Myoxanthus
  604. Myrmechila D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem (2005)
  605. Myrmechis
  606. Myrmecophila
  607. Myrosmodes
  608. Mystacidium
  609. Nabaluia
  610. Nageliella
  611. Nematoceras
  612. Neobathiea
  613. Neobenthamia
  614. Neobolusia
  615. Neoclemensia
  616. Neocogniauxia
  617. Neodryas
  618. Neoescobaria
  619. Neofinetia
  620. Neogardneria
  621. Neogyna
  622. Neomoorea
  623. Neotinea
  624. Neottia (including Listera)
  625. Neottianthe
  626. Neowilliamsia
  627. Nephelaphyllum
  628. Nephrangis
  629. Nervilia
  630. Neuwiedia
  631. Nidema: Fairy Orchid
  632. Nigritella
  633. Nohawilliamsia
  634. Nothodoritis
  635. Nothostele
  636. Notylia
  637. Oberonia
  638. Octarrhena
  639. Octomeria
  640. Odontochilus
  641. Odontoglossum Kunth
  642. Odontorrhynchus
  643. Oeceoclades: Monk Orchid
  644. Oeonia
  645. Oeoniella
  646. Oerstedella
  647. Oestlundorchis
  648. Olgasis
  649. Oligochaetochilus
  650. Oligophyton
  651. Oliveriana
  652. Omoea
  653. Oncidium: Dancing-lady Orchid
  654. Ophidion
  655. Ophrys: Ophrys
  656. Orchipedum
  657. Orchis: Orchis
  658. Oreorchis
  659. Orestias
  660. Orleanesia
  661. Ornithocephalus
  662. Ornithochilus
  663. Ornithophora
  664. Orthoceras
  665. Osmoglossum
  666. Ossiculum
  667. Osyricera
  668. Otochilus
  669. Otoglossum
  670. Otostylis
  671. Pabstia Garay
  672. Pachites
  673. Pachyphyllum
  674. Pachyplectron
  675. Pachystele
  676. Pachystoma
  677. Palmorchis
  678. Palumbina
  679. Panisea
  680. Pantlingia
  681. Paphinia
  682. Papilionanthe
  683. Papillilabium
  684. Paphiopedilum: Venus' Slipper
  685. Papperitzia
  686. Papuaea
  687. Paradisanthus
  688. Paralophia P.J.Cribb & Hermans (2005)
  689. Paraphalaenopsis
  690. Parapteroceras
  691. Pecteilis
  692. Pedilochilus
  693. Pedilonum
  694. Pelatantheria
  695. Pelexia: Hachuela
  696. Pennilabium
  697. Peristeranthus
  698. Peristeria
  699. Peristylus
  700. Pescatoria
  701. Phaius: Nun's-hood Orchid
  702. Phalaenopsis: Moth Orchid
  703. Pheladenia
  704. Pholidota
  705. Phoringopsis
  706. Phragmipedium
  707. Phragmorchis
  708. Phreatia
  709. Phymatidium
  710. Physoceras
  711. Physogyne
  712. Pilophyllum
  713. Pinelia
  714. Piperia: Rein Orchid
  715. Pityphyllum
  716. Platanthera: Fringed Orchid, Bog orchid
  717. Platantheroides
  718. Platycoryne
  719. Platyglottis
  720. Platylepis
  721. Platyrhiza
  722. Platystele
  723. Platythelys: Jug Orchid
  724. Plectorrhiza
  725. Plectrelminthus
  726. Plectrophora
  727. Pleione
  728. Pleurothallis: Bonnet Orchid
  729. Pleurothallopsis
  730. Plexaure
  731. Plocoglottis
  732. Poaephyllum
  733. Podangis
  734. Podochilus
  735. Pogonia: Snake-mouth Orchid
  736. Pogoniopsis
  737. Polycycnis
  738. Polyotidium
  739. Polyradicion: Palmpolly
  740. Polystachya
  741. Pomatocalpa
  742. Ponera
  743. Ponerorchis
  744. Ponthieva: Shadow Witch
  745. Porolabium
  746. Porpax
  747. Porphyrodesme
  748. Porphyroglottis
  749. Porphyrostachys
  750. Porroglossum
  751. Porrorhachis
  752. Potosia
  753. Prasophyllum
  754. Prescottia: Prescott Orchid
  755. Pristiglottis
  756. Proctoria
  757. Promenaea
  758. Prosthechea
  759. Protoceras
  760. Pseudacoridium
  761. Pseuderia
  762. Pseudocentrum
  763. Pseudocranichis
  764. Pseudoeurystyles
  765. Pseudogoodyera
  766. Pseudolaelia
  767. Pseudorchis
  768. Pseudovanilla
  769. Psilochilus: Ragged-lip Orchid
  770. Psychilis: Peacock Orchid
  771. Psychopsiella (sometimes included in Psychopsis)
  772. Psychopsis: Butterfly Orchid
  773. Psygmorchis
  774. Pterichis
  775. Pteroceras
  776. Pteroglossa
  777. Pteroglossaspis: Giant Orchid
  778. Pterostemma
  779. Pterostylis
  780. Pterygodium
  781. Pygmaeorchis
  782. Pyrorchis
  783. Quekettia
  784. Quisqueya
  785. Rangaeris
  786. Rauhiella
  787. Raycadenco
  788. Reichenbachanthus
  789. Renanthera Lour.
  790. Renantherella
  791. Restrepia
  792. Restrepiella
  793. Restrepiopsis
  794. Rhaesteria
  795. Rhamphorhynchus
  796. Rhinerrhiza
  797. Rhipidorchis
  798. Rhipidoglossum
  799. Rhizanthella
  800. Rhynchogyna
  801. Rhyncholaelia
  802. Rhynchophreatia
  803. Rhynchostele
  804. Rhynchostylis
  805. Rhytionanthos
  806. Ridleyella
  807. Rimacola
  808. Risleya
  809. Robiquetia
  810. Rodriguezia Ruiz & Pav.
  811. Rodrigueziella
  812. Rodrigueziopsis
  813. Roezliella
  814. Roeperocharis
  815. Rossioglossum
  816. Rubellia (Luer) Luer (2004)
  817. Rudolfiella
  818. Rusbyella
  819. Saccoglossum
  820. Saccolabiopsis
  821. Saccolabium
  822. Sacoila: Terrestrial Orchid
  823. Salacistis
  824. Salpistele
  825. Sanderella
  826. Sarcanthopsis
  827. Sarcochilus
  828. Sarcoglottis
  829. Sarcoglyphis
  830. Sarcophyton
  831. Sarcorhynchus
  832. Sarcostoma
  833. Satyridium
  834. Satyrium
  835. Saundersia
  836. Sauroglossum
  837. Scaphosepalum
  838. Scaphyglottis: Malaysian Orchid
  839. Scelochiloides
  840. Scelochilus
  841. Schiedeella
  842. Schistotylus
  843. Schizochilus
  844. Schizodium
  845. Schlimmia
  846. Schoenorchis
  847. Schomburgkia
  848. Schwartzkopffia
  849. Scuticaria
  850. Sedirea
  851. Seidenfadenia
  852. Seidenfia
  853. Sepalosiphon
  854. Serapias
  855. Sertifera
  856. Sievekingia
  857. Sigmatostalix
  858. Silvorchis
  859. Sinorchis
  860. Sirhookera
  861. Skeptrostachys
  862. Smithorchis
  863. Smithsonia
  864. Smitinandia
  865. Sobennikoffia
  866. Sobralia
  867. Solenangis
  868. Solenidiopsis
  869. Solenidium
  870. Solenocentrum
  871. Sophronitella
  872. Sophronitis
  873. Soterosanthus
  874. Spathoglottis: Ground Orchid
  875. Specklinia Lindl. (1830)
  876. Sphyrarhynchus
  877. Sphyrastylis
  878. Spiculaea
  879. Spilotantha
  880. Spiranthes: Ladies'-tresses
  881. Stalkya
  882. Stanhopea
  883. Staurochilus
  884. Stelis: Leach Orchid
  885. Stellilabium
  886. Stenia
  887. Stenocoryne
  888. Stenoglottis
  889. Stenoptera
  890. Stenorrhynchos: Ladies'-tresses
  891. Stephanothelys
  892. Stereochilus
  893. Stereosandra
  894. Steveniella
  895. Stictophyllum
  896. Stigmatosema
  897. Stolzia
  898. Suarezia
  899. Summerhayesia
  900. Sunipia
  901. Sutrina
  902. Svenkoeltzia
  903. Symphyglossum
  904. Synanthes
  905. Synarmosepalum
  906. Systeloglossum
  907. Taeniophyllum
  908. Taeniorrhiza
  909. Tainia
  910. Talpinaria
  911. Tangtsinia
  912. Tapeinoglossum
  913. Taprobanea
  914. Teagueia
  915. Telipogon
  916. Tetragamestus
  917. Tetramicra: Wallflower Orchid
  918. Teuscheria
  919. Thaia
  920. Thecopus
  921. Thecostele
  922. Thelasis
  923. Thelychiton
  924. Thelymitra
  925. Thelyschista
  926. Thrixspermum
  927. Thulinia
  928. Thunia
  929. Thysanoglossa
  930. Ticoglossum
  931. Tipularia: Crippled-cranefly
  932. Tolumnia: Dancing-lady Orchid, Variegated Orchid
  933. Tomzanonia
  934. Townsonia
  935. Trachyrhizum
  936. Traunsteinera
  937. Trevoria
  938. Trias (genus)
  939. Tribulago
  940. Triceratorhynchus
  941. Trichocentrum
  942. Trichoceros
  943. Trichoglottis
  944. Trichopilia
  945. Trichosalpinx: Bonnet Orchid
  946. Trichosma
  947. Trichotosia
  948. Tridactyle
  949. Trigonidium
  950. Triphora: Noddingcaps
  951. Trisetella
  952. Trizeuxis
  953. Tropidia: Palm Orchid
  954. Trudelia
  955. Tsaiorchis
  956. Tuberolabium
  957. Tubilabium
  958. Tulotis
  959. Tylostigma
  960. Uleiorchis
  961. Uncifera
  962. Unciferia
  963. Urostachya
  964. Vanda
  965. Vandopsis
  966. Vanilla: Vanilla
  967. Vargasiella
  968. Vasqueziella
  969. Ventricularia
  970. Vesicisepalum
  971. Vexillabium
  972. Vrydagzynea
  973. ×Vuylstekeara (hybrid of Cochlioda × Miltonia × Odontoglossum)
  974. Wallnoeferia
  975. Warmingia
  976. Warrea
  977. Warreella
  978. Warreopsis
  979. Warscaea
  980. Winika M.Clements et al., 1997
  981. Wullschlaegelia: Leafless Orchid
  982. Xenikophyton
  983. Xenosia
  984. Xerorchis
  985. Xiphosium
  986. Xylobium
  987. Yoania
  988. Ypsilopus
  989. Zelenkoa M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams
  990. Zeuxine: Soldier's Orchid
  991. Zhukowskia
  992. Zootrophion
  993. Zygopetalum Hook.
  994. Zygosepalum Rchb.f.
  995. Zygostates

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