
Tolumnia Rafinesque, is a genus in the family Orchidaceae. Previously known as the "equitant Oncidiums," the species were segregated from the mega-genus Oncidium by Guido Braem in 1986. The plants are small, usually epiphytic, with small or absent pseudobulbs completely covered by leaves, which are triangular or circular in cross section and overlap each other at base to resemble a fan. The inflorescences arise between the leaf base and bear colorful, showy flowers. The labella are large, ornamented by variously shaped calli. The column bears prominent wings flanking the stigma.
The genus is restricted to the Greater Antilles, with one species extending to Florida and one into the Lesser Antilles. Some species are listed by the Royal Horticultural Society as occurring in mainland Central and South America as well.


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