TOP 10 MOST Poisonous Snakes in the World

This is a list of the most venomous snakes in the world that could end the life of people with a bite of venom. These are found in various parts of the world in their natural habitats. One of the most common features of the most poisonous snakes is their shiny, glossy, striking and alluring skins that make them look beautiful and attractive. Another factor about these snakes is that they normally have no intentions of attacking humans. However, when disturbed they turn to be aggressive and venomous.

Venomous Snakes

As the name indicates, this is a family of snakes that uses venom to immobilize their prey. Venom is a chemical substance produced by the snakes through their fangs in times of need. The toxicity of the snakes in this family varies widely depending on the environmental and geographical factors within the snakes environs. It is also important to note that the level of toxicity may also vary even in the same species of snakes hence making it difficult to determine. Though the snakes are considered to be poisonous snakes, it is important to note that in medical terms poison and venom are totally different. While poison must be introduced to the body system through either the skin or the digestive system, venom must be administered to the actual tissues of the body or the blood system. In this regard, here is a list of the top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world.


Arizona Black Rattlesnake
Rattlesnake is well known as one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. This snake is easily identifiable by the rattle making with the Bell that is on the tip of its tail. It is endemic snakes of the America, southeastern Canada and the North of Argentina and is capable of attacking with a distance of 2/3 of its length. The snake has a peculiar hunting habit where it is known to bury itself in the sand or under a litter of leaves awaiting the prey to approach. Once the prey comes close, the snake twitched its tail to lure the prey. Then Death Adder snake quickly grabs prey once it approaches the tail. They are known as snake with high contents of toxic neurotoxin and as well as quite fast in striking. The Rattlesnake is considered as the most poisonous species. Surprisingly, the young ones are considered more dangerous than adults due to their inability to control the amount of venom injected. Most rattlesnakes have a haemotoxic toxin that destroys red blood cells, stopping the blood flow by clotting and causes degeneration of organs and widespread damage of tissues.


This is the appropriate name for this extremely poisonous snake. It is called Acantophis and is native to Australia and New Guinea. This species of snake can hunt and kill some species included in this list, usually through an ambush. The Death Viper is short, with a robust body and a triangular head. The venom injected on an average by this snake is around 40 to 100 mg, being one of the most dangerous in the world. The neurotoxic poison does not contain haemotoxins or myotoxins unlike most snakes. Although the first bite can cause a mild paralysis mild, if not treated may become a respiratory arrest in a six hours, causing death.


Copperhead Snake
In eastern parts of the United States, the copperhead snake is the most common venomous snake found in varying habitats. These vary from forests and woodlands to low lying swampy regions. This snake has stripes of dark bands of different widths across its body apart from the upper part of the tail that has green or yellow tone. Though not known to be aggressive, the copperhead snakes first gives a warning bite when intruded upon before applying its lethal venom. It can reach a size of 40 inches (1.05 meters) but the normal size of the copperhead is between 24 and 36 inches (61-91 cm). However, unless assaulted, the venomous snakes are known to avoid humans and will never strike unless physical contact is made. The copperhead snake eats small rodents, cicadas, birds, lizards, other snakes, frogs and other amphibians, spiders and all kinds of insects. The serpent plays an important role in the ecosystem by controlling the density of the population of their prey. Without copperhead snake and other snakes the size of the population of several species reach troublesome levels.


Philippine Cobra
Cobras are easily recognized through their wide collar necks. Most species of cobra do not appear on this list, but the Philippine cobra is the exception. Unlike the others, Philippine cobra is known to be stocky and more poisonous. Drop by drop, its poison is the most deadly of all Cobras and it is capable of spitting its venom from a distance of 3 meters. Its bite can kill within less than an hour. The venom is a neurotoxin that affects the heart and respiratory function, and may cause neurotoxicity and respiratory paralysis and death in thirty minutes. The bite produces minimal tissue damage and the neurotoxin interrupts the transmission of nerve signals in the neuromuscular junctions, with symptoms ranging from headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, seizures and collapses. The venomous snakes are found in Philippine islands and measures an average of 1 meter but can grow up to 2.5 meters long. Their outstanding factor is that they never attack unless they are under threaten.

6. Belcher’s Sea Snake

Belcher Sea Snake
This is a faint-banded sea snake with a very mild temperament. They basically do not stike unless they are severely attacked. They are normally found in various water bodies including Indian Ocean, Solomon Islands and Thailand among others. The snake is known to have on of the highest venom concentrations where a single bite can kill up to fifty men. Its venom is considered to be 10 times stronger than that of the cobra. While there is an antidote, its venom can cause the death of a human being in a matter of minutes, even with the administration of the antidote the victim is required to spend a long time in intensive care.


Tiger Snake
While its color is highly variable, it is often presented as the tiger stripes and is a species of poisonous snakes originating in the southern regions of Australia. This snake bite can cause death within 30 minutes, but it usually takes from 6 to 24 hours. They produce venom with presynaptic neurotoxins that capable of causing the victim to experience paralysis and muscle weakness. It also contains myotoxins that cause total muscle damage to its victim. Before the development of the antidote the mortality rate due tiger snake bite was 60 to 70%. Tiger snake usually flees if sees any danger from humans, but it can become very aggressive if cornered, attacking with unerring accuracy. Tolerant of low temperatures, this snake can be active on warm nights.


Black Mamba Snake
This is one of the longest states known in African continent. It is known for its massive length measuring up to 4.5 meters and high speed with capability to cover up. The dreaded Black Mamba is located in many parts of the African continent and is known for being very aggressive and attack with deadly precision. It is also the terrestrial snake among the world’s fastest, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. It is known to be very shy but very aggressive when provoked. Its venom is fatal but can be treated using the common antivenins. A single bite of this snake can kill an adult. Its venom is a neurotoxin of fast action and inoculated in a single bite between 100 to 120 mg of poison, and if it reaches a vein with 0.25 mg/kg of poison it is enough to kill a human in 50% of cases. The venom causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, causing death by suffocation. With no antidote, the mortality rate is almost 100%, which is highest among all of the venomous snakes. Depending on the nature of the bite, death may occur between 15 minutes and 3 hours.


This snake is found in Southeast Asia and Indonesia and contains an extremely potent neurotoxic venom which induces muscular paralysis quickly and affects the ability of the nerve terminals to release neurotransmitters to the next nerve. 50% of the blue Krait bites are fatal, even after administering the antidote, resulting in death between 6 to 12 hours after the bite. This is a nocturnal breed and is more aggressive under the cover of darkness. The Blue Krait is ophiophagous, it means that it feed on other snakes, coming even to cannibalism.


Eastern Brown Snake
It is one of the most poisonous snakes and lethal in the world. This is regarded as the second most venomous snake in the world. The snake lives in areas of Australia and Indonesia and is categorized for its length measuring on average 1.8 meters and its fast speed. Native to Australia and combined with a habitat that includes the populated East Coast, it has resulted in fatal consequences. They are highly aggressive and bad tempered venomous snakes. They are most poisonous snakes of its genus and although it seeks to avoid confrontation, its venom is very toxic. The Brown snake venom is slow to produce its effects, but once there are symptoms, it moves forward with ferocious speed. The venom contains neurotoxins and coagulants, and causes deaths if the victim is not treated within thirty minutes. The venom from its bite is known to cause progressive paralysis that eventually leads to death of the victim.

1. INLAND TAIPAN – The Most Poisonous Snakes in the World

The Most Poisonous Snakes in the World – INLAND TAIPAN
This is a subspecies, but is the most venomous snake in the world. And if we do a count, the majority is from Australia. The Inland Taipan can grow to a total length of up to 2.5 meters. It is known to be avery fierce and will subdue its victim with a series of up to seven venomous bites in a sinale attack. A bite of the Inland Taipan can contain an amount of poison enough to kill 100 adults, its venom is 200 to 400 times more toxic than most rattlesnakes and 50 times more toxic than that of a cobra. The venom contains neurotoxic action and potentially can kill an adult in 45 minutes. Fortunately, this snake is not aggressive and rarely has encounters with humans in nature, so much so that no human victims have been reported officially. Inland Taipan normal character is timid and reclusive despite being fierced.

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