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What are Dendrobiums?
  • Dendrobium is a large genus of tropical orchids that consists of about 1200 species.
  • The name is from the Greek dendron (meaning tree) and bios (meaning life).
  • The genus occurs in diverse habitats throughout much of south, east and southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Borneo, Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand.
  • The species are either epiphytic, growing on a tree, or occasionally lithophytic, growing over a rock.
Find out more at our Orchids Culture Guide.

The flower of Dendrobium unicum.
Dendrobium Species: A - E | F - K | L - P | Q - Z
Dendrobium Species L to P
Dendrobium laevifolium (P.N.G.)
  A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2" tall.
50 USD
Dendrobium lamellatum (Borneo)
This species can be found in Thailand, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Java and Philippines at altitude of 400 - 600 m. This species is easy to grow and flower. The Borneo form have a different lip color and shape. The leaves can sometimes become dark purple.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 3 - 5" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium lampongense

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1- 2ft tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium lancifolium
Dendrobium lamyaiae
Dendrobium lasianthera (Papua New Guinea)
A magnificent species that grows on branches along rivers and swamps, exposed to extremely humid conditions and bright light. It produces multiple spikes each bearing 30 large flowers meaasuring 7 - 10 cm.

A seedling size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 3 - 5" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium lasianthera "Yellow" (Papua New Guinea)
Dendrobium laxiflorum (Indonesia)

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 2 - 3ft tall.
35 USD
Dendrobium leonis (South East Asia)
A lowland species that grows in warm humid rainforest. The stems can be 25cm long with fleshy leaves about 3cm across. The fragrant from the flowers resembles vanilla and best grown in warm conditions with well-drained medium.

 A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems.
15 USD
Dendrobium lineale (Indonesia)
This species is found from Irian Jaya to Northern Coast of the Mainland and small island off coast. It can reach 2 m in height and produces flowers of variable forms from pink, blue, yellow, purple and white. Each spike carries 10 - 15 flowers each measuring 4 - 5cm.
Dendrobium lineale "Blue" (Indonesia)
The picture shows a purple form of lineale.
Dendrobium lindleyi

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 4 - 6" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium linguella

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium aff. linguella
Dendrobium leporinum (Indonesia)

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 2 - 3ft tall. 
35 USD
Dendrobium leporinum "alba" (Indonesia)

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 2 - 4ft tall.  
150 USD
Dendrobium leporinum "Semi-alba" (Indonesia)
Dendrobium lituiflorum (Myanmar, Thailand, Laos)
This epiphyte occurs from 400 to 1200m with stems reaching 60cm long and bearing 2-5 flowers measuring 7 cm across. It is fragrant and flowers well when give dry resting period in winter.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 8 - 12" tall.  
15 USD

Dendrobium lohokii (Malaysia)
An epiphyte that occurs in health forest of Sabah, at altitude of 400-500 meters. It has stems growing in a cluster and can be 30 - 100cm tall. Leaves are narrowly oblong to oblong-elliptic. Flowers are 2-3 by 2.5cm.
Dendrobium lowii (Malaysia)
This formosae section species occurs in Sarawak at elevations of 1000 meters. It can grow up to 3ft tall and capable of producing up to 50 or more flowers. Flowers are bright yellow, long-lasting and fragrant.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 1.5ft tall.
35 USD
Dendrobium macrophyllum
This species occurs in Java, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Fiji, growing along hot coastal primary forest from sea-level to 1700 meters. Mature plants can grow to about 2ft tall and can produce huge bunches of 15-25 long lasting, fragrant flowers.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 8 - 12" tall.
25 USD
Dendrobium macrophyllum var. ternatense
This variety hasyellowish green flowers measuring 20mm tall and 25mm wide. It has thin, reddish brown stem that grows to about 1 - 1.5ft tall.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 8 - 12" tall.
35 USD
Dendrobium macrophyllum "Sulawesi Giant"
This form has thick yellowish stems tha grow to about 2ft tall and can produce large cluster of flowers each measuring about 3cm tall and
4cm wide.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 10 - 12" tall.
55 USD
Dendrobium malvicolor

A flowering size plant with 3 - 5 stems about 2 - 3" tall.
30 USD
Dendrobium metachilinum (Indonesia, Borneo, Thailand)
Dendrobium mohlianum
Dendrobium moschatum
Dendrobium mirbelianum (Papua New Guinea)
A widespread species that occurs in every costal province of PNG. It grows up to 1.5 meters in height and produces 30 flowers each measuring 4 - 5cm.
Dendrobium miyakei (Taiwan, Philippines)
This epiphytic species can be found at elevations of about 1000m are can be grown in lowland conditions. Each stem can grow to 1m in height and beaing up to 30 flowers each 2cm in diameter.

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
20 USD
Dendrobium mussauense (Papua New Guinea)
Dendrobium multiramosum
Dendrobium mutabile

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
25 USD
Dendrobium mutabile "alba"
Dendrobium nemorale

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 8 - 12" tall.
20 USD
Dendrobium nindii
  A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
35 USD
Dendrobium nobile
  A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
20 USD
Dendrobium obtusisepalum
Dendrobium ochreatum
Dendrobium oligophyllum

A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 2 - 3" tall.
18 USD
Dendrobium ovipostoriferum (Indonesia)

A medium size plant with 2 - 3 stems about 5 - 7" tall.
45 USD
Dendrobium pachyphyllum

 A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 1- 2" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium pachyanthum
Dendrobium palpebrae
Dendrobium pandaneti
This epiphytic species can be found in Malaysia, Borneo, Peninsular Thailand, Sumatra and Java. They often climb up trunks of palm trees, especially sago palms. The plant is about 35cm tall with light green leaves bent close to stem, up to 9 cm long by 2cm wide. Flowers are white, about 2 cm tall with a distinct orange lip.

Cultivation Tips: It grows best in bright environment that receives optimum sunlight at temperatures around 25 - 30°C. They can be grown in pots with free-draining porous media such as rocks, charcoal and bark or simply tie them to drift wood or fern bark.
  A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 8 - 10" tall.
18 USD
Dendrobium panduliferum "Alba"
Dendrobium papillio
Dendrobium parthenium

 A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 10 - 12" tall.
20 USD
Dendrobium parthenium "Alba"
Dendrobium parishii (Thailand, Myanmar, Indochina)
This epiphyte can be found from 200m to 1500m. It has a short & thick stem that grows up to 30cm long, usually curved. Each node can bear 1-3 flowers measuring 6cm across and they last for 3-4 weeks.

A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 8 - 10" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium parishii "Semi-Alba" (Thailand, Myanmar, Indochina)
Dendrobium patentilobum
Dendrobium peculiare (Malaysia, Sumatra)

A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 10 - 12" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium pendulum (Thailand)
  A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 10 - 12" tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium pendulum (Thailand)
Dendrobium pendulum "Alba" (Thailand)
Dendrobium phalaenopsis
Dendrobium phillipsii

A flowering size plant with 4- 5 stems about 1 - 1.5ft tall.
25 USD
Dendrobium profusum (Philippines)
Dendrobium primulinum (Thailand)
Dendrobium primulinum "Alba" (Thailand)
Dendrobium platygastrium

 A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems.
25 USD
Dendrobium pulchellum
Dendrobium pulchellum Var. album
Dendrobium purguanum

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 1 - 2ft tall.
15 USD
Dendrobium purpureum (Indonesia)

A flowering size plant with 4 - 5 stems about 2 - 3ft tall.
30 USD
Dendrobium Species: A - E | F - K | L - P | Q - Z

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